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Training teachers for today and tomorrow

Last spring, with little notice and limited training, teachers across the country were forced to dramatically alter the fundamentals of how they teach effectively. This fall, teachers will again be asked to meaningfully teach students through in-person instruction, fully online classes and all scenarios in between.

Introducing TeachNimble, the teacher training program designed specifically to transform existing, familiar curriculums to Blended Learning environments.

Without introducing any new curriculum or requiring any new technology, TeachNimble quickly and efficiently empowers teachers with the skills of Blended Learning so they become nimble, comfortable and effective regardless of the teaching environment.

How it works

blended learning sprints

TeachNimble trains teachers in a sprint model. Blended Learning methods and curriculum adaptation processes are introduced, modeled and implemented through a short series of 90- to 120-minute sessions.


TeachNimble enables teachers to convert their existing curriculum into an authentic Blended Learning modality. Experts lead workshops where teachers rework their curriculum and apply Blended Learning methods and tools into lessons, units and courses that can be implemented in person, online or through a combination of both.


TeachNimble is not another online tool for learning – instead, it empowers your teachers to use the platforms and technology they are already comfortable with in ways that are research-based and most effective through shifting teaching environments.

You focus on opening

We’ll train
the teachers

For this fall, districts are focused on an abundance of unique, and necessary, operational items. Equally important is a parallel focus on the quality of the education provided in these new environments.

TeachNimble is designed from the ground up to train teachers in Blended Learning in order to dramatically improve the quality of the education in these new environments. This allows school districts to focus their full attention and resources on the logistics of how schools will open this fall while knowing that their teachers will be able to offer significantly higher quality online, blended and in-person education.

Immediate improvement + long-term benefits

Learning science and brain research have consistently pointed to Blended Learning as a best-practice method for higher student engagement, better learning outcomes and deeper learning across subjects and age levels. While disruptive to the way we traditionally deliver curriculum, COVID-19 is providing an opportunity for teachers to elevate the trajectory of education in their districts. Adopting blended learning not only addresses the immediate need, but also establishes techniques and practices that will continue to enrich learning post-COVID-19.

Technology training for teachers improves teacher skills, but does not meaningfully impact student outcomes

Technology Training


Blended Learning training for teachers improves BOTH teacher technology skills AND student outcomes


Teacher Technology Skills
Student Outcomes

Technology Training



Contact us today

13 + 5 =


(206) 973-7220 (Office)
(206) 350-6237 (FAX)

1752 NW Market Street #4223
Seattle WA 98107

© TeachNimble, 2020